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LUSAKA,–UCZ SYNOD HEAD QUARTERS: 07/08/2024- Council for World Mission (CWM) has praised the United Church of Zambia(UCZ) for being one of the biggest missionary-sending partners of the CWM.

CWM Secretary for Mission, Program, and Partnership Reverend Julie Sim said the ecumenical body has a total number of eighteen Partners in Mission, out of whom the biggest number comes from the UCZ.
And Rev Sim has reaffirmed the partnership that exists between the UCZ and CWM in mission work. Rev. Sim who is on a working visit to Zambia said her visit aims at appreciating the UCZ in all its mission works. Ms. Sim explained that one of the goals of CWM is to carry out mission that takes into account the local reality.
She added that the UCZ is one of the contextual reality Churches that her organization intends to learn from on how mission is appreciated at the local level.
“We are here at the United Church of Zambia to learn from the Church on how it carries out its mission for we believe that no Church is too big to receive nor too big to share,” she echoed.
Meanwhile, Stephen Chia, CWM Project Manager for the Mission Support Program has expressed gratitude to the United Church of Zambia for preserving mission heritage.
Mr. Chia also thanked the Church for the privilege it gave them to hear mission stories from the past and the present.
The United Church of Zambia (UCZ) is among the 32 member churches of the Council for World Mission.

About Abraham Sikazwe