LUSAKA,–UCZ ST PAUL’S CONGREGATION: 25/08/2024- Scores of Christians from across the country  thronged the United Church of Zambia St.Pauls’ Congregation to bid farwell to the immediate former UCZ Synod Bishop ,Reverend Sydney Sichilima who has retired from active service.

Delivering his farewell speech,Bishop Sichilima, appealed to the faith community to uphold values which identifies the country as a christian nation .
Bishop Sichilima urged the church to serve as a beacon of light at a time when society is faced with insults and hideous crimes.
“We pray that you may always strive to uphold the core-values en-shrined in the sacred Word of God. Let us ensure we respect our diversity and the leaders that God appoints to lead His Church here on earth,” he said
Bishop Sichilima said his 32 year of unbroken ministerial Journey was both exciting and rough, adding that God has been faithful all the times .
“I have faced so many accidents whilest in service but two of them crushed me to the point I almost left ministry,”he recounted.
Bishop Sichilima said he was constitunally due for retirement in 2029 but he found it necessary to pass on the torch to the next generation of leaders.
He thanked the faith community for the immeasurable moral and spiritual support rendered to him during the 32 years of his unbroken service.
Before he ascended to the office of Synod Bishop in 2016, Rev Bishop Sichilima served the Church in various capacities including that of Copperbelt Presbytery Bishop and Mission and Evangelism Secretary.
And Guest of Honour during the occasion Andrew Kamanga encouraged Bishop Sichilima to discover new ways of serving the lord and find fulfilment in his new path of retirement from active service.
Mr.Kamanga who is also Boys Brigade National Patron said Bishop Sichilima’ s unwavering commitment and servant leadership has been a source of inspiration to the community at large .
He encouraged christians to be bearers of forgiveness and peace by exercising the spirit of give and take in resolving church issues .
Speaking on behalf of Synod office , North Western Presbytery Bishop Rev.Howard Hamwinga thanked Bishop Sichilima for the legacy of servant leadership , humility, love and hope he demonstrated during his eight-year tenure as Synod Bishop.


About Abraham Sikazwe