Home / Synod News / Motion 212: Tax Justice by Rev. Peggy Mulambya-Kabonde

Motion 212: Tax Justice by Rev. Peggy Mulambya-Kabonde

Rev. Kabonde - Blantyre scotland4During  the 2013 World Conference of the Methodist Church held in London from 5th to 11th July 2013, the General Secretary of the United Church of Zambia, Rev. Peggy Mulambya-Kabonde, had an opportunity to propose Motion 212: Tax Justice, which was debated and adopted on Tuesday, 9th July. The motion was presented as follows:

“The Conference welcomes the increased emphasis on tax justice in the Methodist Church and beyond, and urges the Church at all levels to develop this further, including:

a)  in any follow up to the G8 Conference;

b)  in its educational work through the Joint Public Issues Team;

c)  in its ongoing work on economic justice issues with World Church partners;

d)  in its conversation with companies in which the church invests, through the Joint Advisory Committee on Ethical Investment;

e)  by actively supporting the work of the Methodist Tax Justice Network;

f)  and by creating awareness of the need for alternative economies for those jurisdictions facing loss of business as ‘tax havens’.”


The motion was seconded by Mr John Cooper, and supported by the following signatories:

Signatory 1: The Revd Patmore C. Henry

Signatory 2: The Revd Michaela A Youngson

Signatory 3: Mr Denis Beaumont

Signatory 4: Dr Stephen Leah

Signatory 5: Ms Irene McKay

Signatory 6: The Revd A Ward Jones

Signatory 7: Mr Tim Annan

Signatory 8: The Revd Jennifer A Hurd


Source: www.methodist.org.uk

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