Home / Presbyteries / Copperbelt



Presbytery Bishop – His Grace Bishop Dr. Charles Lungu.
Presbytery Secretary – Rev. Erica Mumba
Presbytery Treasurer – Mr. Bright Simbaya.



Ndola South Consistory Chairperson: Rev. Simon Katanga.
Ndola North Consistory Chairperson: Rev. Mary Banda Kamekela.
Luanshya Consistory Chairperson:   Rev. Joseph Chewe Ng’ona
Kitwe South Consistory Chairperson: Rev. Alick Chabala.
Kitwe North Consistory Chairperson:  Rev. Simon Mulenga.
Kalulushi Consistory Chairperson  : Rev. Andrew Chulu.
Chingola Consistory Chairperson   : Rev. Darius Chitalu.
Mufulira Consistory Chairperson     Rev. Oscar Nsebula.
Chililabombwe Consistory Chairperson : Rev. Derrick Kalanga.


The Church on the Copperbelt has Synod Ministers in Service Total Number: 49.

  1. His Grace Bishop Dr. Charles Lungu.
  2. Rev. Derrick Kalanga.
  3. Rev. Jackson Kampamba Lunda.
  4. Rev. Darius Chitalu.
  5. Rev. Isaac Mumba.
  6. Rev. Elika Mumba.
  7. Rev. Akabana Mutanuka.
  8. Rev. Stephen Simumba.
  9. Rev. Christopher Yamba.
  10. Rev. Charles Lungu.
  11. Rev. Chrispine Mbalazi.
  12. Rev. Albert Bowa.
  13. Rev. Alex M. Chikwanda.
  14. Rev. Fridah C. Kamana.
  15. Rev. Kamuya Munjita.
  16. Rev. Simon Mulenga.
  17. Rev. Brenda Mwelwa.
  18. Rev. Alick Chabala.
  19. Rev. Vincent Mulwanda.
  20. Rev. Jane Kilembe Chibubi.
  21. Rev. Ezekiel Nyambe.
  22. Rev. Lydia C. Sichisambwe.
  23. Andrew Chulu.
  24. Donory Chileshe.
  25. Rev. John Silwimba.
  26. Rev. Patrice Siamese.
  27. Lameck Goma.
  28. Rev. Joseph Chewe Ng’oma.
  29. Rev. Milton Mulenga.
  30. Rev. Teddy Siwila.
  31. Rev. Oscar Nsebula.
  32. Rev. Edward Kapembwa.
  33. Rev. Joseph Simukonda.
  34. Rev. Florence Mhango Simukonda.
  35. Rev. Elise Ng’oma Ng’na.
  36. Rev. Shadreck Mulenga.
  37. Rev. Matutu H. Musonda.
  38. Rev. Maria Banda Kamekela.
  39. Rev. Silvia Kasapato Mukuka.
  40. Rev. Clement C. Nyirenda.
  41. Rev. Juliet Matembo.
  42. Rev. Eneless Kaonga.
  43. Rev. Weston Simwinga.
  44. Rev. Ellen Nachali Mulenga.
  45. Rev. Simon Katanga.
  46. Rev. Achran C. Sinkala.
  47. Rev. Yona Mumba.
  48. Rev. David Mujumila.
  49. Rev. Damson Kunda.


Retired Ministers Total Number  : 16

  1. Rev. Kabwe Chikolwa.
  2. Rev. Antony M. Mulenga.
  3. Rev. Dr. Musonda Bwalya.
  4. Rev. Peter Ng’andu.
  5. Rev. Kaminsa Mpundu Yotamu.
  6. Rev. Evelyn Chibwe.
  7. Rev. Bellington M. Kabaso.
  8. REV. Branold B. Sinyangwe.
  9. Rev. Musonda Bowa.
  10. Rev. Annwel Silwenga.
  11. Rev. Edward Mulenga.
  12. Rev. Alfred Mukhuzi Banda.
  13. Rev. Mwape Chilombo.
  14. Rev. Fredson S. Silungwe.
  15. Rev. Lapson D. Musyani.
  16. Rev. David Miyambo.


The Church on the Copperbelt has Deaconesses in Service Total Number: 8

  1. Deaconess Christabell Mumba.
  2. Deaconess Mary Nakamba.
  3. Deaconess Dyness Kashiba.
  4. Deaconess Sara N. Mbulo.
  5. Deaconess Chileshe Kambikambi Kangwa.
  6. Deaconess Getrude M. Sinkala.
  7. Deaconess Chisanga C. Febby.
  8. Deaconess Niching Chizya.

Retired Deaconesses and Deacon Total Number: 4.

  1. Deaconess Violet Sikasote.
  2. Deaconess Mary Mwambwa.
  3. Deacon Kabila.
  4. Deaconess Margaret Mumba.



  1. Mr. Benson Chiwala.


Grand Total Number of Church Workers: 79.



It must be pointed out that the Mission and Ministry of the Church through the Presbytery needs the support of the leadership of the church from Synod, Presbytery to Congregation level: their willingness to bring about positive and progressive changes; and above all their preparedness to make sacrifices and put in extra hard work to achieve desirable results. The leadership takes a participatory role  and are willing to have the Church carry out its mission. In other words, the role, the desire and commitment of leadership is key in the success of the Church Mission. Remember the saying: “where there is a will, there is a way.”






Not Badged





Women’s Christian Fellowship (W.C.F.)



Not Bloused





Youth. Total                  48287


Catechumen Total        2245


GRAND TOTAL         142842.


The United Church of Zambia (hereafter also the UCZ), Copperbelt Presbytery has been in existence for fifty two (52) years now having started its operations in 1965. However, in 19……., Synod decided to divide the then Copperbelt Presbytery into two: the now North-Western Presbytery and the now Copperbelt Presbytery.

During the last 52 years, the UCZ has been growing at a very fast rate. It has become the largest Protestant denomination in Zambia. This assumption is based on apparent presence of the UCZ in every corner or district of the country. On the Copperbelt particularly, the UCZ has been growing very rapidly in membership. Today we have seen more congregations and preaching points coming up in almost all consistories. According to 2016 Synod Report, as at June 2016, statistics from all consistories in Copperbelt Presbytery showed approximately 142,511 (communicant and adherents) members of the United Church. In essence, all consistories have registered rapid growth in membership. The geographical spread of the church in the Presbytery is now second to none.

Suffice to say though that this growth hasn’t come without challenges. The growth in membership has posed or is posing many challenges to the church. In other words, the rapid growth in membership of the church has raised and continues to raise many challenges to the church’s missionary vocation in society. Today, the situation in UCZ is characterized by, among other things: lack of resources for mission and indeed resources to respond or meet the needs of its members and many vulnerable people in society. Today the church is threatened with divisions. More than ever before, today the church is faced with many leadership challenges. The list goes on and on.

Together with these are also external challenges. These include among others: the deep divide between the rich and the poor/ or the economic injustices, the escalating poverty levels, moral decay, the HIV/AIDS pandemic, retrenchments in privatised industries, dwindling formal employment opportunities, the urban drift, breakdown in family codes, corruption, etc. In addition, the church is also, in certain instances, undertaking work that should be done by the government. It is now common for those requiring social welfare attention to be referred by the government’s social welfare departments to churches for assistance. These and many other challenges are posing great challenges to the church. They are fundamentally placing enormous pressure on the church.

From the foregoing, it is abundantly clear that: firstly, the church has remarkably grown. Secondly, society has significantly and radically changed. The present era is fundamentally different from the period of the 1960s when the church was established. With this growth and change, challenges have also increased. Inevitably, these challenges call for two or three things: they call for the church to evaluate, review and refocus its mission. They call for the church to chart a new approach in order to respond effectively to them. They call for a fundamental paradigm shift in a way mission is done.



United Church of Zambia University.

The Copperbelt Presbytery is a U.C.Z. University Teaching Presbytery as all the Ministerial (Theology) and Diaconal (Social workers) Students do their practicals on the Copperbelt Presbytery during their training.



In the establishment of the United Church of Zambia on 15 January 1965, “mission” was key and very critical issue. The UCZ was established on the premise of seeking, among other things, to strengthen mission. The founding churches sought to establish a church in which mission was to be the building block so that, then and thereafter, the church in Zambia could be able to respond effectively to the needs of the people and to local and global challenges. Since 1965, thus, the UCZ has identified itself with this ideal. Mission has remained intrinsic to UCZ’s life, identity and witness. It has remained a critical characteristic of the United Church of Zambia’s uniqueness. It is a basic building block of the church’s deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). It is the purpose for which it exists. If the UCZ is to be understood or known, that can only be done or defined from the starting point of mission.

The United Church of Zambia therefore, by all intent and purposes, understands mission as essentially the value, strength, dignity and integrity of the church. It is the credibility of the church’s witness. It is the bedrock of an effective and vibrant church. It is an ideal very fundamental to God’s goal for humanity. Essentially, it keeps the Christian faith alive and dynamic. It is the cornerstone for renewal and transformation. It renews and transforms the church. For the UCZ, it is holistic. It is all embracing; that is, it takes into account the totality of persons, their social context, their culture, their community and indeed the caring for creation. It critiques “traditional narratives” of mission which have until now defined mission in UCZ. In brief, it is God’s mission of wholeness of life for all people and all of creation.

Nevertheless, the church asserts that the key elements in fulfilling this mission rests in the United Church of Zambia’s mission statement, the vision of this strategic plan, vision goals and strategic objectives.



The united church of Zambia copperbelt presbytery will hold the following values as important in giving us direction in who we are and  what we stand for As followers of Jesus Christ, seeking to have the mind of Christ in all we are and do, we affirm the following values:

  • Faithful
  • Inclusive
  • Loving
  • Community
  • Transforming


 We Strive To Act With

Compassion, Integrity ,Love, Open-mindedness, Wisdom and Building a Community of Grace Therefore we will:

  • be accepting
  • be encouraging
  • be respectful
  • be inclusive
  • Honesty/Integrity
  • have mutual accountability
  • celebrate diversity
  • show forgiveness
  • seek unity
  • build each other up



Our Vision is that as a Church We strive to be a United, Effective in Holistic Mission and Self- Sustaining Presbytery


Our Mission as a Church

We affirm, as a welcoming community of faith, that God is revealed in Jesus  and that we are United with him in the grace of God’s Spirit and declare our mission is:

  • to engage in thoughtful reflection on scripture and our understanding of the faith,
  • to celebrate the worth, dignity and gifts of all persons,
  • to share God’s love with others,
  • to seek hope, peace, justice and unity, and
  • to live out our faith in Christ’s service to all.


STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (The Church we want or long to be):

  • As we hope and dream, we dream of a Presbytery with the following traits or characteristics:
  • A church that will respond effectively to challenges
  • A Presbytery that is vibrant and sustainable
  • A church that will bring people to Christ and equip them qet to lead a life in all fullness as promised by Christ
  • A self-supporting church where more resources for mission will be locally generated
  • A Presbytery with a leadership (ministers, diaconal workers) that is transformative, innovative, inspiring, trusted, transparent and accountable
  • A church that will improve communication for effective mission
  • A church that will intensify Christian training for both laity and clergy
  • A church that will establish a good and well equipped lay training centre for carefully planned training courses, workshops, and seminars that respond to capacity building needs such as leadership development, preaching, counselling, evangelism, etc.
  • A church that will intensify the social/ economic ministry so as to meet the aspirations of our Christians and those who may not necessarily be our members but in need alike
  • A church where workers will be empowered so as to lead a noble and decent life even after leaving active service
  • A church where retired workers, widows and orphans will be well looked after
  • A church that will be able to contribute financially to our schools, hospitals, clinics and tertiary institutions
  • A church where, out of the generated income, will be able to distribute to the mission of the church equitably


In arriving at the dreams and hopes above, consultation has been at the heart of the way we have worked. At the workshop at Nsobe Game Park in November 2016, we performed our analysis or version of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). It is accumulation of those insights (SWOT), dreams and hopes which have formed the quarry for this plan. This strategic plan is therefore a vision responding to the moment. The desired now and future reality has been stated. Below therefore is the outline of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the church. From these, we should indeed be able to determine whether implementation of the drives or developmental activities will be successful or not.



  • Huge numerical of the Membership. The largest or at least the second largest church in the country
  • Geographical Spread
  • Organization Structure
  • A Name Tag: The UCZ which gives the church a national image and status
  • Cream of society: The UCZ has some of the best cream in the Zambian Society
  • The Clergy: Well-trained and dedicated clergy
  • Establishment: Well established and with traditional overseas linkages        •           Qualified human capital
  • Fixed assets (land)
  • Financial capacity
  • Urban setup
  • Loyalty/ respect to the church the church workers
  • Corporate relations
  • Organization structure
  • Name tag



  • Inadequate Financial Resource
  • Unfavourable/Poor service conditions of church workers
  • Mission of the Church: Weakened ability which impede the church’s efforts to fully carry out its mission
  • Non-existence of long-term forward-looking plans which can help the church to see the way forward
  • Lack of interest/inability to participate in community empowerment programmes
  • Inward-looking
  • Poor management of Investment Fund
  • misappropriation of Funds      •           Lack of proper supervision
  • Non-compliance to church policies
  • Not proactive
  • Individualism
  • Poor coordination of Programmes
  • Misplacement of skilled manpower
  • Lack of utilization of human resource
  • Resource fatigue
  • Lack of capacity development



  • Active, skilled, talented, and gifted members/laity: Waiting to be identified for church work
  • Self-sustenance
  • Well informed and committed membership
  • Assessing donor funding for social and community programmes
  • Assessments
  • Membership growth
  • Meaningful Worship Experience
  • Training Institutions
  • Mining and Other Industries
  • Good Market
  • Good Membership   Threats:
  • High levels of Poverty in the country
  • Lack of church and mission ownership
  • High rate of unemployment
  • Loss of position as the lead church
  • Up-coming churches
  • Poor conditions of service of church workers
  • Accumulation of unpaid arrears of church workers
  • High levels of indiscipline leading to closures of church buildings
  • Mushrooming un Authentic Churches
  • Dual Membership
  • Wrong Teachings
  • Lack of Motivations
  • Lack of social services and capacity building
  • Tele-Evangelism
  • Heavy dependency on the mines


To respond to the aspirations of the Christians and implement some of the activities/ programmes, the plan seeks to draw, to a much greater extent, on resources within its means. That is, it will capitalize on the strengths and exploit opportunities that the church has, while formulating strategies to address and minimize the weaknesses and threats.

Suffice to state then that, in the main, the church has a captive market in its members. Inasmuch as the growth in membership poses challenges to the church, it also gives the church opportunities. The huge numerical strength of the membership, often captive, offers tremendous opportunities to the church if only effective utilization of this human resource can be explored. However, since this is a voluntary market, persuasion and good stewardship in supporting the plan will be the basis of this development strategy.

The other strategy shall be through a project called “Friends of the Presbytery.” The plan aims to establish a strong list of “Friends of the Presbytery” within and out of the Presbytery. These individuals, congregations and other Christian organizations who agree to support the plan in this way will be encouraged to select specific aspects of the life and work of the Presbytery that they will feel burdened towards giving financial assistance.

Thirdly, shall be the strategy of cost-sharing. Implementation of such a plan demands considerable participation by all members of the Presbytery, as they are the key in the development of the plan. Members’ participation would include, among others, sharing of costs or fully funding some Presbytery activities such as workshops, seminars, meetings, consultations, etc. Money saved from this arrangement would then be channelled to some developmental activities or projects.

Cost-saving would be another strategy to our implementation of the plan. We need to rationalize all of our expenditures and consider if there are any costs that could be postponed or cancelled altogether.

To the extent possible, [short term] fundraising ventures will be developed to seed capital funding. In line with this strategy, will also be the setting aside one Sunday in a year dubbed “Presbytery Sunday”. What it means here is that on this Sunday alone all contributions/ offerings (except of course a share of Synod) in all congregations in the Presbytery shall be remitted to Presbytery. This strategy it is suggested will be targeted giving for “Financial Seed Pool.” In the service of Presbytery Sunday, an opportunity could also be considered or taken to include enlisting the support of our members and other well-wishers who may feel called or compelled to contribute to the financial well-being of the church and its activities and those who can give sacrificially in order to create a financial seed pool for the church’s entrepreneurial or fund generating activities. This fund, although under the umbrella of the Presbytery, it must be stressed, shall be professionally managed to address the lack of capital fund and augment other efforts for sourcing financial capital to address some of the strategic development issues.



As noted already, “Vision 2017 and Beyond” is a strategic plan which articulates the vision and or development programme of Copperbelt Presbytery. In line with the vision, and, indeed, the mission and objectives or desired future reality of the church or presbytery (as outlined above), the following goals have been set for:


GOAL: To lead people to Christ, train and nurture them in discipleship


  • Intensify evangelism campaigns through DWE, WCF and MCF outreach programmes
  • Nurturing of converts through catechumen classes, seminars and Christian literature
  • Moving from maintenance to mission and fostering mission and evangelism in local congregations
  • New church planting (church growth)
  • Sharing our faith with our “neighbours” (people of other faiths)


  • On-going need
  • Some funds and literature available through Mission and Evangelism Department


GOAL: To strengthen communication and communication   systems in the Presbytery


  • Carrying out effective communication to congregations, consistories, and Synod
  • Establish a Communications Office for collection and dissemination of information through bulletins, newsletters, website, radio, etc.
  • Addressing issues of public relations and interpretation of church policy
  • Advocacy – addressing public issues to foster advocacy for good governance, gender equity, social justice, etc.
  • Raising the profile of the Presbytery and the UCZ at large
  • Installation of an FM Radio Station as an effective instrument of evangelism and the spreading of the gospel
  • Setting up own website and or own internet domain
  • Production and distribution of scripture tracts
  • Ensuring all consistories are connected to the internet and have the necessary tools for communication
  • Acquire equipment for Communications Office


  • Engage a Communications Officer on full time basis
  • The need is urgent
  • To be effected as soon as funds are available
  • To source funds and equipment from well-wishers


GOAL: To intensify Christian training and capacity building to ensure that both the laity and clergy are better equipped in their ministries


  • Conduct seminars, workshops, and courses for congregation leaders, elders, stewards, catechumen leaders, Sunday School teachers, lay preachers and convenors of various groups
  • Leadership development. To ensure that people given responsibilities in the church are better equipped to carry out their tasks
  • To enhance the mission the mission of the church on the Copperbelt and beyond
  • Capacity building (training for transformation)
  • Give attention to the training of youth leaders especially in disciplines concerning youth leadership and youth work


  • To source for funds
  • Establish a Lay Training Centre
  • To engage a lay trainer
  • Source for Christian literature both locally and abroad
  • The need is immediate and long term


GOAL: To mobilize and make use of human, financial and material resources prudently or appropriately in order to   improve the operations of the church


  • To intensify the work of stewardship and stewardship teaching
  • Conduct seminars, workshops and courses with emphasis on: finances in the church, talents, tithing, time, work, property, church and mission ownership, etc.
  • To take good care of church property


  • The need is immediate and on-going
  • To raise funds for operations through contributions, fundraisings and Stewardship Sunday

INCOME-GENERATING ACTIVITIES/ ENTERPRISES/ AND OR PROJECTS: (Programme for Income generation and Self-Sustainability)

GOAL: To secure financial stability and become self-supporting


  • To create viable income generating projects
  • To generate additional revenue for the Presbytery
  • To financially sustain the operations of the Presbytery
  • And out of the generated income, to contribute or support the mission of the church


To acquire land and develop the Presbytery Integrated Project (PIP). The following enterprises would be ideal for the initial PIP:

  • Fish farming
  • Soya beans farming
  • Piggery
  • Maize Production
  • Bee Keeping
  • Banana Production
  • To acquire land to construct on the housing complex
  • To implement short term projects e.g. chitenge sales, bookshop, etc.
  • To source for funds

The need is immediate and long term.


GOAL: To establish a Presbytery Projects Development Office with mandate to plan, promote and, in conjunction with line managers, to implement mission programmes and projects in Copperbelt Presbytery


  • To oversee the implementation and evaluation of the Strategic Plan
  • To initiate income-generating projects
  • To prepare and market project proposals to donor organizations/ agencies for possible funding
  • To mobilize funds for projects
  • To effect implementation of both short and long term projects
  • Daily coordination of projects
  • To carry out feasibility studies and advise on viability of suggested projects


  • Engage a Projects Development Officer on full time basis
  • Engage a Development Officer in charge of Strategic Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
  • The need is immediate and long term
  • To source for funds


GOAL: To offer social and spiritual services to the church and the Community


  • To impart knowledge and life skills to the women, men and the youth
  • Community development with special concern for children, youth, the environment, HIV/ AIDS, poverty alleviation, etc.
  • To provide counselling and foster healing
  • To equip men and women for their ministry
  • To empower members so that they can engage in productive ventures and in turn may be able to give to the church
  • To undertake programmes for strategic development of the church
  • To empower church members and increase their capacity in tackling pandemics such as HIV/AIDS, malaria etc. by engaging in programmes of education, prevention and pastoral care
  • To encourage outreach


  • Plot has been acquired
  • Construction has started
  • To source for funds from donors, UCZ Christians, partners & other well-wishers


GOAL: Improve the quality of life for communities with special emphasis on the vulnerable, by strengthening local   participation in social concerns


  • To improve the quality of life for the needy/ vulnerable
  • To encourage self-reliance in communal planning, implementation and management of various community projects and programmes
  • To train local communities in identifying, analysing and solving their own developmental problems
  • To empower women especially but also youths – young girls and boys – to participate fully in community development


  • To engage in social justice and social action programmes
  • Diaconal Workers, Ministers, Social Workers, Youth Workers to join forces in this programme
  • To source for funds from donors and partners through Community Development and Social Justice Department


GOAL: To construct the Presbytery Administrative Offices with a key goal of achieving Management effectiveness


  • Offices to accommodate the Bishop’s Office, Accounts Office, Projects Development Office, Communications Office, etc.
  • For effective and efficient functioning of the Presbytery in its decision structures, processes and day-to-day operations
  • To provide corporate public relations functions through the Communications Department
  • To vigorously promote stewardship through the Development Department
  • Easy and efficient coordination and supervision of projects through the Development Department
  • To harmonize the operations of the Presbytery for effective and efficient service delivery


  • Technical advice available through the Presbytery CPDC
  • Construction works have started but at a slow pace
  • Need is immediate and urgent
  • To source for funds and building materials


GOAL: To provide transport to the Presbytery Bishop’s Office


  • To increase mobility and effectiveness of the Bishop


  • Need is immediate
  • Some funds are available from sale of the present vehicle
  • To source for funds to top up


GOAL: To protect the youth from consequences of unemployment which extend beyond socio-economic vulnerability to inflicting an indelible imprint on both individual life outcomes and on national development trajectories.


  • Develop resilience and ability to thrive in a dynamic, demanding and hostile environment
  • Realise the economic potential of the youth
  • Develop skills and maximise talent in order to seize both formal and informal economic opportunities


  • Acquire 500 hectares land
  • Mobilise resources
  • Identify partners
  • Put in place a technical team
  • Design a policy
  • Prepare a project proposal
  • Develop infrastructure


Each of the strategic programme as outlined here is a working entity. The activities or programmes or projects will be clearly articulated, clear objectives will be set, respective activity costs will be worked out, operational plans will be developed and time schedules will be worked out. It is also important that we see clear, distinctive outcomes and continuously evaluate the work we do.