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PRESS RELEASE: Synod Executive Meeting

Members and Clergy of The United Church of Zambia from all over the country met
in Kabwe at the UCZ Diakonia Centre on Saturday and Sunday 12 and 13 November for the
2016 Synod Executive. The Church is to be found in all 10 Provinces nationwide.

As the interim policymaking body of the United Church of Zambia, the Synod Executive meets
twice annually between full Synod meetings that are called every two years. The Executive helps
to determine the future direction, considers revisions to Church policies, and approves plans and
budgets for Congregational, Consistory, Presbytery and church-wide programs.
During the 2-day session, which included worship and moments of celebration and devotion,
around 80 delegates considered reports from the Church’s Committees and Departments.
After the closed Pastoral Sessions and the Finance Committee Meeting, the Executive opened
under the chairmanship of Synod Bishop Sydney Sichilima, convened by the General Secretary
Rev Dr Peggy Mulambya-Kabonde. The Chaplain was Rev Moses Zgambo. After progress
reports on action taken on previous business, the meeting moved on to reports and
recommendations from Committee Convenors.

Matters discussed were the introduction of Team Ministry, Conditions of Service and the good
progress being made with the Church’s K30 000 000 Investment Complex being built at
Woodlands in Lusaka.

The draft Strategic Plan 2017-2021 was also presented and related to this is the Church’s
restructuring to becoming more missional-based.

Updates were also received from the Secretaries responsible for Social Services.The Church
partners with government to provide quality health, education and social services through the
Diaconal Ministry to the nation, often to the marginalised and those living on the periphery.

There then followed a presentation on International Finance and its Economic
Architecture and the ecumenical approach by sister churches to creating a life-affirming economy
for all instead of the present life-denying globalisation of the economy.

The Church affirmed the importance of land with title deeds and urged members to guard church
land jealously as part of their patrimony and heritage. Coupled with this is a an encouragement to
all church members and the citizenry at large to participate in caring for the environment and
using natural resources sustainably.

The Church further affirmed the worth of all persons, male and female regardless their status in
life. For this reason, the Church condemned in the strongest terms the current spate of gender-
based violent acts leading to assault-related and even murder cases .The Church, therefore,
encourages all Zambians to eschew violence and to live at peace with one another

In order for the nation to be food-secure in the coming year, the Church encouraged all its
members and the citizens at large to work hard and take advantage of the rainy season and
undertake farming using more intensive and sustainable methods.

Finally the Church reiterated its call for members and fellow citizens to demonstrate prudent
management of resources in view of the strained economic times, leading to enhanced social
and economic lives at both household and national level.

This all tuned in well with the theme of the Executive Meeting: Christ, Lead us to the fullness of life. John 10:10.

About Lee Muzala