The United Church of Zambia will celebrate its Jubilee 50 years of existence: (1965-2015) on 16th January, 2015. The celebrations will give the Church an opportunity to look back and appreciate the grace of God in keeping The UCZ truly united and also to count the blessings resulting into the growth of the Church both numerically and spiritually.
Synod has set up Committees comprising Church workers and members from various congregations to plan for the Jubilee celebrations. It is hoped that the celebrations would be held over a number of days in Lusaka, preceded by workshops and symposiums on topical issues, group Bible studies and discussions.
The issues to be discussed would include those on Christianity, health and sexuality, poverty reduction, education, the environment, social justice, agriculture globalization, etc. To allow for the participation of all The UCZ members, Presbyteries are encouraged to set up “The UCZ Jubilee Celebrations” Committees to give input to the preparations for the Jubilee. Presbytery Bishops are expected to ensure that such committees are replicated in Consistories and Congregations.
The Committees are expected to give input on the following:
- Theme for the celebrations, keeping in mind the Mission and Vision of the Church;
- The mode of holding the celebrations (e.g. participation by members);
- Venue of the celebrations, considering that these are expected to run over a number of days;
- Workshops and symposiums to be held (e.g. theme groups);
- Format of Bible and group studies ; and
- Any other information that would be helpful in firming up our preparations. In light of this, Congregations and Consistories are being requested to form and strengthen the Intercessory groups to start praying about this event.
Presbyteries will receive detailed information through the Synod Golden Jubilee Celebrations Committee and the Presbytery Church
Property Development and Planning (CPDP).
Congregations should also be encouraged to start discussing the Jubilee celebrations in their group or Section Bible studies.
Even as we plan for the Jubilee celebrations, let us put God at the centre of all activities, praying and seeking His wisdom and favour
in our preparations.