The United Church of Zambia will shortly be holding its 2017 International Partners Consultation Meeting under the theme. Revive Thy Work O, Lord.
This event happens every three years and involves the participation of both overseas and local partners who meet together to provide their Sister Church with in-put and solidarity to selected areas of Mission and Ministry.
This year the focus is on areas of the Missional Church, the next Strategic Plan 2017-21 and New Ways Forward.
The two-day event will take place at the UCZ Diakonia Centre in Kabwe from 14-17 November 2017. Participants are expected from Zambia, the Sub-Region, Europe and North America.
As they dialogue with each other, participants are invited to contribute from their own particular contexts and experience, the issues and challenges they face, surrounding Mission and Ministry, Justice and Peace and the sharing of resources at various levels in Church and society.
The United Church of Zambia is a member of the Council of Churches in Zambia, the All Africa Council of Churches (AACC) and the World Council of Churches (WCC). More information can be found on the Church’s website: