As the nation continues to be in a celebratory mood of 50 years of independence scheduled for 24th October 2014, and the United Church of Zambia(UCZ) also celebrates its Golden Jubilee next year on 16th January 2015, we the Ministers of the United Church of Zambia called to the ministry of the Word, Sacraments and pastoral care that gathered at Livingstone Institute of Business and Engineering Studies(LIBES) in Livingstone from 24th -27th August 2014 under the theme: “Shared Holistic Mission for effective ministry to the glory of God” wish the nation and our members God’s Jubilee blessings. And we call upon all the members of the UCZ to participate fully in all lined-up activities leading to the main celebrations in January 2015. Church Golden Jubilee speaks of liberation, restoration, forgiveness, reunion and reconciliation.
As we gathered, we discerned and challenged ourselves to be selfless leaders who must walk in the servant leadership of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a call to every leader if the people we serve have to be served faithfully as recorded in the Bible where Jesus Christ challenged the leaders of His day that “He came to serve and not to be served”(Matt 20:28).
- CONCERNS: We noted the prevalence of poverty, illiteracy, early marriages, poor sanitation, unemployment, corruption, poor social services, HIV/AIDS, a decline in morals, rape cases, Gender Based Violence(GBV)and child abuse both in rural and urban areas.
- INVESTMENTS: The church need to emphasise on investments (both in human and wealth resources). We need to care for the environment. As both the nation and the UCZ steps into the next 50 years, we the Ministers of the Word, Sacraments and pastoral care would like to see every Zambian feel the meaning of Golden Jubilee in light of the Biblical sense of Jubilee. Shalom!
- LEADERSHIP: As ministers of the Gospel, we believe that the above described situation calls for a selfless leadership that will leave the comfort zone and go down to where the people are in order to understand their sufferings. We further call for a selfless leadership that is able to articulate the vision in order to inspire and create hope for the future. A leadership that espouse virtues of moral integrity and ethical conduct. We demand for leadership that is able to reflect on the undesirable present in order to dream a desirable future even when everything else says, NO!